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Narges Mohammadi is celebrating having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize alongside her fellow inmates in Evin Prison, according to her family. The news of the prize was relayed to Mohammadi through messages sent from the men’s section of the prison, where they had easier access to phones on Friday. The announcement of the Nobel Prize was broadcast on state television in Iran that evening. Mohammadi’s family states that the broadcast portrayed her in an insulting and defamatory manner. Despite this, Mohammadi and her cellmates celebrated the victory in their cell. Mohammadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her efforts to promote human rights and freedom for all. She has spent a significant portion of the past 20 years in prison and is currently held in the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran, where prisoners are regularly subjected to torture, prolonged isolation, physical abuse, and denied medical care, according to Amnesty International.