Liberalerna, a Swedish political party, is calling for stricter control over lawyers in response to recent scandals involving lawyers assisting murderers and leaking confidential information to criminal networks. Last year, two former lawyers were sentenced to prison for serious crimes. One was involved in preparing a murder, while the other was involved in aiding serious drug offenses. There have also been instances where lawyers have been warned or expelled from the profession for breaking ethical guidelines, such as helping to launder money or providing love letters to clients. Liberalerna plans to propose the establishment of an external investigative unit to independently investigate suspected breaches of legal ethics. They also want new lawyers to have at least five years of experience before being assigned to major criminal cases. The party also suggests introducing the offense of ”obstructing justice” to make it illegal to interfere with investigations or court processes. The proposals aim to maintain the reputation and respectability of the legal profession while preventing lawyers from aiding criminal activities. Liberalerna hopes that their suggestions will be well-received and contribute to the broader efforts in combating criminal networks.