Den norska kompromissen om att erkänna Palestina

Norway to recognize Palestine as independent state

The Norwegian parliament, known as the Stortinget, has made the decision to recognize Palestine as an independent state, on the condition that the recognition ”contributes positively to the peace process.”

The original proposal to recognize Palestine without any conditions, put forward by the leftist parties Rødt and Sosialistisk Venstreparti, was rejected by the Stortinget. A compromise proposal was then presented by the ruling parties Arbeiderpartiet and Senterpartiet.

The compromise proposal states that ”the parliament asks the government to be prepared to recognize Palestine as a separate state at a time when such recognition can have a positive impact on the peace process, without preempting a final peace agreement.”

This proposal received support from Rødt, which had previously indicated that they would support the proposal if their own did not gain a majority.

Currently, 138 out of the 193 member states of the United Nations, including Sweden, have recognized Palestine as an independent state.