Allvarlig trafikolycka med två skadade personer

Police describe the accident as serious. Archive image.

Two people have been injured in a serious traffic accident outside Hånger in Värnamo municipality on Saturday, reports P4 Jönköping.

– At 15.23 we received an alarm about a traffic accident with two cars that seem to have collided head-on on county road 558. There are two affected persons in the case, says Lars-Göran Nilseryd, officer on duty at the police, to TT.

The rescue service is still working at the accident site.

– There is a complete traffic stop and it is very slippery at the site, Nilseryd says.

The police do not want to comment on whether anyone has been taken to the hospital.

– I will not be able to provide much information at the moment. Considering the location and other circumstances, it is a very sensitive case, Nilseryd tells TT.