SD-ledamot sjöng högerextrema slagord under valvaka

Gigi D’agostino’s eurodisco hit ”L’amour toujours” from 1999 has in the past year gained traction in far-right circles, particularly in Germany where chants with slogans such as ”Deutschland den deutschen” and ”Ausländer raus” (”Germany for the Germans” and ”Foreigners out”) have been sung to the famous melody.

”Oh shit”

Last night, the song was played at the Sweden Democrats’ EU election watch party while Expressen was interviewing party leader Richard Jomshof.

Suddenly, Member of Parliament David Lång jumps in and sings the German lyrics.

”Ausländer raus! Ausländer raus!”

Lång then sees the Expressen reporter:

”Oh shit, are you recording this?”

According to Expressen, Lång then allegedly tried to physically take the recording equipment from the newspaper’s reporter.

Lång was also reportedly told by Richard Jomshof to leave.

”Will have to discuss going forward”

Martin Kinnunen, Member of Parliament and member of the Sweden Democrats’ party board, was asked about the clip when he appeared on SVT’s Morgonstudion on Monday morning.

”I did not notice this myself at the watch party. It sounds like a case of pretty poor judgment, but it is something we will have to discuss with this member going forward,” Kinnunen stated.

When asked if there might be a reason for Lång to resign, Kinnunen responded:

”I see no reason at all to speculate in that way. The group leadership in the parliament will certainly contact this member and find out why it happened this way and so on.”

SVT Nyheter is seeking David Lång.