Det finns faktiskt några som kan bygga kärnkraft i Sverige.

The government is ready to invest in new nuclear power in Sweden. However, there are only three companies to choose from and they are facing major challenges. Analyst Mycle Schneider believes that there is no one capable of building nuclear power in Sweden for decades. He coordinates and releases the World Nuclear Industry Status Report annually, with over 500 pages of detailed information. Despite being accused of being against nuclear power, even nuclear power advocates agree that there are few companies capable of building large-scale nuclear power plants.

The French company Electricité de France (EDF) markets its EPR reactor, which has faced cost overruns and delays in construction. The American company Westinghouse faced bankruptcy during the construction of two AP1000 reactors in South Carolina and Georgia. The South Korean company Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) faced delays and undisclosed final costs during the construction of APR1400 reactors in the United Arab Emirates. The Chinese company China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) faced financial issues during the construction of Hinkley Point C in the UK.

Despite the challenges, many countries are planning to build new nuclear power plants. However, Schneider dismisses most of these projects as fantasies, while Berglöf remains optimistic about the industry’s future. Overall, the construction of new nuclear power plants poses significant challenges for the few companies capable of such large-scale projects.